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Tips for effective coparenting during divorce

On Behalf of | Dec 13, 2022 | Child Custody |

When you decide to get a divorce, many areas of your life will change.

However, the best thing you can do for your minor children is to minimize the impact your separation has on their lives. This involves working with your ex to establish a functional co-parenting plan.

Be respectful

During the divorce proceedings, there may be some contention between you and your ex. While you may feel like venting, it is important to shield your kids from your negative feelings about their other parent. Your little ones will adjust to their new normal much easier if the people they rely on can get along.

Maintain stability

If you do it right, your divorce will not turn your children’s lives upside down. You and your ex can keep life as normal as possible by:

  • Allowing them to remain in the family home
  • Not sending them to a new school
  • Letting them spend time with extended family and relatives from both sides of the family
  • Answering their questions about divorce using age-appropriate language

Practice self-care

You may feel hyper-focused on your children and their well-being, but your own physical and mental health is just as important. Rely on your co-parent and other members of your support system, and allow yourself the time and space for your favorite hobbies or routines.

Divorce is difficult, and you have a lot of complexities to sift through as you rebuild and rearrange your life. As long as you and your former spouse can agree on the best interest of the children, you can still maintain a healthy, happy family.
